Write your own STM32F10x the ADC and Timer
自己写的 STM32F10x的ADC和Timer驱动, 没有使用固件库。每秒通过串口UART输出当前ADC值。 应用范围: 因为不涉及IO口,所以此工程在STM32F1xx的任何主板上都可以运行。 编译器: IAR ARM 4.42A。 作者: w123456xy@sohu.com 15189792379。 -Write your own STM32F10x the ADC and Timer-driven, not using the firmware library. Second serial UART output current through the ADC value. Application scope: because they do not involve IO port, so this works on any STM32F1xx motherboard can run. Compiler: IAR ARM 4.42A. Author: w123456xy@sohu.com 15189792379.