首页 » Windows开发 » 目前在网上有一个CPictureEx类,用于加载GIF动画,不过该类是mfc封装类,对于不使用mfc的c++程序员来讲,不能使用。为了让该类能够让更多的人方便的...


于 2022-07-09 发布 文件大小:356.86 kB
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目前在网上有一个CPictureEx类,用于加载GIF动画,不过该类是mfc封装类,对于不使用mfc的c++程序员来讲,不能使用。为了让该类能够让更多的人方便的使用,使其不再被局限于MFC,本人花时间改造了一下这个类,改造后,该类可以应用于任何MFC、 WTL/ATL及其它WINDOWS API编程。   由于原来的CPictureEx是继承于CStatic类,本人改造后,在CPictureEx中直接封装了一个窗口句柄HWND。   假设您在一个弹出式Dialog对话框中加载gif动画,您要做的就是在对话框中放一个控件,可以是BUTTON、STATIC等等。假设您加的这个控件的ID是IDC_FLASH,您的对话框窗口句柄是hDlg,则要使用CPictureEx,将非常简单。详情参见源代码。-present on the Internet which is a CPictureEx category for loading GIF animation, But such is mfc Packaging category for the non-use of the c mfc speaking programmers, which can not be used. To allow such to allow more people to use, it will not be confined to the MFC. I spend time on this transformation of the type that after transformation, and these can be applied to any MFC. WTL/ATL and other Windows API programming. As the original CPictureEx inherited from CStatic category, I transform, In CPictureEx directly Packaging a window handle HWND. Suppose you in a pop-up dialog box loaded Dialog gif animation You need to be done is up in a



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