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于 2022-07-09 发布 文件大小:61.18 kB
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一个简单的小闹钟程序-a small alarm clock simple procedures



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  • 51单
    51单片机开发应用的程序,包括数制转换,人机交互等原程序。-51 Single-chip development and application of procedures, including the number of system conversions, HCI, such as the original procedure.
    2022-04-19 05:37:18下载
  • 基于的51单片机简易电子钟
    本代码为本人基于汇编语言的51单片机课程上机考试程序。;实验要求;利用P1/P2口或8255的接口电路和实验台上提供的六个数码管显示,设计一个电子钟,;电子钟设计如下格式   XX XX XX由左向右分别为时、分、秒;本人采用定时器溢出中断确定时间基准,main函数对共阴数码管进行动态扫描;p1口作为位选信号输出端;P2口作为段选信号输出端
    2022-02-13 20:11:06下载
  • 模拟银行卡取款操作,银行卡号为8位,能够进行查询、取款、存款、修改密码等操作。查询时需要输入密码,密码为6位。当密码位数和相应位都符合时,显示卡内余额,否则密码...
    模拟银行卡取款操作,银行卡号为8位,能够进行查询、取款、存款、修改密码等操作。查询时需要输入密码,密码为6位。当密码位数和相应位都符合时,显示卡内余额,否则密码三次错误,结束操作。取款时也需要输入密码,密码为6位。当密码位数和相应位都符合时,显示现有余额,输入取款金额,操作结束显示所剩金额,否则密码三次错误,结束操作。限制每天总共可取的金额 ,若违规给出相应的警告。取款操作时输入取款金额 ,操作结束,显示卡内余额,输入密码时,不显示真实值,修改密码时显示真实值。-simulated bank teller card operation, a registered member of the eight to conduct inquiries, withdrawals, deposits, change passwords operation. Inquiries need to enter a password, the password to six. When the median and the corresponding password-meet, showed the card balance, otherwise the wrong password three times, the end of operation. Teller also need to enter the password, the password to six. When the median and password are consistent with the corresponding position, shows that the existing balance of the amount imported withdrawals, the remaining operation ended shows the amount, otherwise the wrong password three times, the end of operation. Limit daily total amount of desirable, if irregularities are given corresponding warning. ATM withdrawals
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    汇编语言程序设计,显示系统时间。 首先在数据段开辟一显示缓冲区,用来存储系统时间。调用BIOS中断,返回系统时间,并将来返回的二进制时间转换成ASCII码,方便时间显示时的调用。分别将来小时数、分钟数、秒数存入显示缓冲区。通过写显存将时间显示出来。由于获取了的系统时间不会自动刷新,所以我们要设计成刷新的方式来不断获取系统的时间,这样就形成了会跳动的电子钟了。-Assembly language programming, display system time. First of all, open up one paragraph in the data display buffer for the storage system time. BIOS interrupt calls to return system time, and the future return of the binary time into ASCII code for the call time is displayed. Respectively, the future number of hours, minutes, seconds into the display buffer. Time by writing to memory will be displayed. As the access to the system time does not automatically refresh, so we need to refresh the way designed to keep on getting the system time, so that will be formed beating electronic o
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