首页 » 算法 » 快速获取3D重建切片的算法


于 2022-07-08 发布 文件大小:69.91 kB
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本程序由kyungsang基姆制作。如果你有问题或问题,发送电子邮件到me.kssigari@gmail.complease试试这些测试步骤1。模拟器是用于测量投影。2。demo2是解析重建众所周知过滤backprojection3。Demo3 is the iterative reconstruction using the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) method.nx: number of image pixels of x-directionny: number of image pixels of y-directionnz: number of image pixels of z-directionsx: real size (length) of x-axis of the image -> resolution of a pixel = sx/nxsx: real size (length) of y-axis of the image -> resolution of a pixel = sy/nysx: real size (length) of z-axis of the image -> resolution of a pixel = sz/nznu: number of detector pixels of x-direction (u)nv: number of detector pixels of z-direction (axial) (v)su: size of real (length) of detector u-direction -> resolution of a pixel = su/nusv: size of real (length) of detector v-direction -> resolution of a pixel = sv/nvDSD: distance between source to detectorDSO: distance between source to iso-center (image center).dir: rota



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