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Introduced acts according to Mitsubishi FX the series PLC programming mouth comm...

于 2022-07-07 发布 文件大小:60.04 kB
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介绍了根据三菱FX系列PLC编程口通信技术的特点,设计基于VB的PC与PLC机械手远程 控制程序.通过机械手监控系统软件的具体应用,系统地介绍了VB环境下的MSComm通讯控件 ,PLC与上位机的编程口通信协议,系统控制方法设计以及监控软件的实现过程.-Introduced acts according to Mitsubishi FX the series PLC programming mouth communication the characteristic, designs based on VB PC and the PLC manipulator remote control procedure. Through the manipulator supervisory system software s concrete application, introduced systematically VB under the environment MSComm communication controls, PLC and the



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