首页 » 电子书 » 与我们这个时代的其他军人政治家一样,蒋介石是个无所畏惧的人,允论是在心理上还是精神上都是这样。但他只是一个战术大师而非战略家。他的真正天才是善于搞政治阴谋。...


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与我们这个时代的其他军人政治家一样,蒋介石是个无所畏惧的人,允论是在心理上还是精神上都是这样。但他只是一个战术大师而非战略家。他的真正天才是善于搞政治阴谋。   蒋介石对希特勒纳粹及法西斯主义发生了极大兴趣,于是派次子蒋纬国赴德国深造,受希特勒两次召见,并组建一个法西斯机构“蓝衣社”…   蒋介石长得两眼炯炯有神,他经常剃着光头,蓄着短须,带有一股军人的风度。   但是,他的神情却不可思议――这并非因为他不擅言辞,而是因为他总是挂着一脸谦恭的微笑-with us this era of politicians, like other soldiers, Chiang Kai-shek is a fearless person, is allowed on the psychological or mental been the case. But he is only a tactical rather than master strategist. His true genius is good at engaging in political conspiracy. Chiang Kai-shek to Hitler and the Nazi fascism had great interest, Jiang Weiguo second son was sent to Germany in 1993, twice summoned by Hitler, and the formation of a fascist institutions "blue club" Chiang Kai-shek ... a house two longer, he often shave with a shaved head and head to be shorter, with A soldiers gracefully. However, he has looked incredible-- it is not because he"s knockout rhetoric, but because he was always humble who can smile



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