首页 » 电子书 » Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术...

Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术...

于 2022-07-02 发布 文件大小:2.21 MB
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Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术的读者提供 Globus Toolkit 的使用介绍。其中讨论了网格计算的基础知识,以及各种网格产品和架构。本书是学习网格计算的良好起点,它能为您打下良好的基础。然后,您就可以更深入地学习网格计算的未来、OGSA、电子商务,以及 IBM 按需计算计划的理念。 这本红皮书包括下列主题: 网格计算基础 架构和安全性考虑 开放网格服务架构(Open Grid Services Architecture ,OGSA)简介 Globus Toolkit 组件描述 Globus Toolkit Version 2.2 实现 -Introduction to Grid Computing with Globu "s (grid computing profiles) that the Red Book aims to IBM grid computing technology-loving readers Globus T oolkit on the use. It discusses the basic knowledge of grid computing, as well as various products and mesh structure. This book is the study of grid computing good starting point, you can lay a good foundation. Then, you will be able to learn in depth the future of grid computing, OGSA, e-commerce, IBM on Demand, and the concepts. This Red Book includes the following topics : Grid computing infrastructure and security considerations open grid services architecture (Open Grid Serv



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