由小飞刀策划制作,文章分为小飞刀从网络收集和组织小刀会朋友编写两部分。 花去我几个不眠之夜,倾心制作,终于20日准时完成第一版。这是我第一次做CHM,边学边做,...
由小飞刀策划制作,文章分为小飞刀从网络收集和组织小刀会朋友编写两部分。 花去我几个不眠之夜,倾心制作,终于20日准时完成第一版。这是我第一次做CHM,边学边做,看到完成后的效果还不错 ^_* 感觉很好,希望你也喜欢。以后可能没什么时间了,(所以才完成得这么急)但有机会一定会对本手册做最新资料 更新工作,期待~-The planning and production by small Flying, the article is divided into small throwing knives from the network to gather and organize the preparation of a knife will be a friend in two parts. I spent a few sleepless nights, cordial making, was finally completed on time and on the 20th edition. This is my first time doing CHM, learning by doing and see the completed results were pretty good ^ _* feel good, I hope you, too. May be little time later, (it was such a rush to complete), but some will have the opportunity to do the latest update of the manual work, looking forward to ~