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the software is integrated platform for the importation of an input method integ...

于 2022-07-01 发布 文件大小:24.56 kB
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下载积分: 2 下载次数: 1


本软件是集成式的输入平台,是一个输入法整合软件,除了本有的拼音输入外,可以挂接 各种形码输入方案,如五笔98、86、郑 ... 由于使用只有50多K的单线矢量字库,从体积而 言是目前最小的汉字系统,当然显示效果会打个折扣,直接键入xzl.com进行加载即可。 -the software is integrated platform for the importation of an input method integration software, in addition to the importation of some alphabet can be articulated various fractal importation programs, such as the five 98,86, Zheng ... only because of the use of more than 50 K in a single vector font, size is Minimum system of Chinese characters, of course, there will be a discount or a direct dialing xzl.com load can be carried out.



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