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VC6 demo with the game development, mainly algorithms reference. Can be used as...

于 2022-06-27 发布 文件大小:16.91 kB
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用VC6演示的了游戏开发,主要是算法的参考。可以作为初级教程来使用。-VC6 demo with the game development, mainly algorithms reference. Can be used as the primary tutorial to use it.



0 个回复

  • 1.本软件为绿色软件,解压后在“串口调试助手V2.2.EXE”上右击,再选“发送桌面快捷方式”即可将程序快捷方式放在桌面上。 2.程序名“串口调试助手V2....
    1.本软件为绿色软件,解压后在“串口调试助手V2.2.EXE”上右击,再选“发送桌面快捷方式”即可将程序快捷方式放在桌面上。 2.程序名“串口调试助手V2.2”不要更改,否则无法使用帮助文件-1. The software for the green software, unpacked the "serial debugging assistant V2.2.EXE" right-click, select "Send desktop shortcuts" may be procedural shortcuts on the table. 2. Procedures were "serial debugging assistant V2.2" not to change, not to use the help file
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