首页 » WEB(ASP,PHP,...) » 用C#编写的聊天室.对刚学网站和C#的初学者很有帮助


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用C#编写的聊天室.对刚学网站和C#的初学者很有帮助-C# prepared in a chat room. Just learning to websites and C# beginners helpful



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  • really want to like the computer but can not afford to buy books of some help! !...
    真的希望给喜欢计算机的但又买不起书的人一些帮助!!因为我就是这种人!!!让我们共同努力达到天下“无贼”我就是(半壶酒)希望能记住我-really want to like the computer but can not afford to buy books of some help! ! Because I was such a person! ! ! Let us work together to meet the world "Without Thieves" I (half-Hujiu) hope I can remember!
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  • 很好的意见,关于web开发时的数据库应用。同时可以减少系统比较慢的关键...
    很好的意见,关于web开发时的数据库应用。同时可以减少系统比较慢的关键-good advice on the development of web database applications. While it is relatively slow system to reduce the key
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  • 是网上书店系统的一个网站源代码,用php开发的,在下载到本地使用时,需在电脑上先配置php环境。...
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  • 用C#实现的公司网站源码,后台所有操作封装为类,可以通过简单的继承自动形成数据维护页面,支持生成静态html文件...
    用C#实现的公司网站源码,后台所有操作封装为类,可以通过简单的继承自动形成数据维护页面,支持生成静态html文件-With the C# source code to achieve the company" s Web site, the background all operations package for the class, you can automatically form a simple data maintenance page successor in support of generating a static html file
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  • book version programming tools used for ASP ACCESS voice chat tool
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  • More than one user message board, as amended. If you have not yet registered, pl...
    一个多用户留言版,修正过。如果您还没有注册,请先注册。源码要求为至少5个C或Java源码,质量越高得到的下载个数越多(一般为200:上载5个,可以下载200个)。 请不要重复上载同一源码, 站长审核合格后才能开通帐号。如果不想上载源码,可以成为【VIP会员】获得帐号 如果其他会员下载一次您上载的源码,您的可用下载数就会增加1次。更多说明请参看[帮助说明] 您(888@888.com)最近上载的源码有: -More than one user message board, as amended. If you have not yet registered, please register. Source requirements for at least 5 C or Java source code, the higher the quality of the download to be more the number of (normally 200: 5 uploaded, you can download 200). Please do not repeat the same source upload, station after passing the examination in order to open account. If you do not want to upload source code, you can become a VIP Member] [access to account if the other members to download once you upload the source code, you will increase the number of available download 1 times. More description see [Help] you (888@888.com) recently uploaded the source code are:
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  • PHPDisk network hard drive system, PHPDisk is a PHP and MySQL using the network...
    PHPDisk网络硬盘系统,PHPDisk是一个采用PHP和MySQL构建的网络硬盘系统,她是一套可用于网络上文件办公、共享、传递、查看的多用户文件存储系统。广泛应用于互联网、公司、网吧、学校等地管理及使用文件,多方式的共享权限,全方位的后台管理,满足从个人到企业各方面应用的需求。-PHPDisk network hard drive system, PHPDisk is a PHP and MySQL using the network hard drive to build the system, she is a set of documents can be used in office networks, share, transfer, view multi-user file storage system. Widely used in the Internet, companies, Internet cafes, schools and other places and the use of document management, multi-way sharing of authority, the management of a full range of the background to meet the needs of individuals from all aspects of enterprise applications.
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  • GT-Grid 1.0 alpha 1 特性: ajax实现 (翻页,数据的crud基于ajax技术) 固定表头和工具栏 可调整列宽: 拖动列表表头之间的分割线. 可调整相对位置: 按住ctrl 键不放,拖动列表表头 支持按列排序,点击表头栏,将在 acs desc 默认排序 三者之间切换. 列隐藏 列冻结 支持列编组.(建议先排序后再编组) 支持行选择(按ctrl多选),选择方式类似在windows的资源管理器里选择文件. 可改变列表区域的大小: 拖动工具栏右下角的大小调整图标. 换肤 (功能上支持,但是目前只提供缺省皮肤,备选皮肤的css有错误) 自定义表头(使用自定义表头后 部分功能将不再支持) 可编辑列表 支持简单横向统计 支持flash chart 提供一定量的接口,可以实现一定量的自定义功能-GT-Grid 1.0 alpha 1
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