- 2022-01-21 21:45:59下载
- 积分:1
Tabla multiplicar
.model 小
num db"Introdusca 联合国第 $",10,13 ;可变段 reslpaldar el número digitado por el usuario。
mov ax @data
mov ds、 ax
mov 啊,09 h
lea dx num
int 21 h
mov 啊,01h ;Pedir el número al usuario
int 21 h
潜艇基地,30 h
mov num,al ; guardamos el número digitado en num 中。
mov cl,01 h; Iniciamos el 康塔多 en 1
mov cx 10
mov al,num ; movemos al número guardado en num AL
mul cl ; se multiplica CL por AL,el resultado se 瓜尔达 en AL
aam ; ajuste ASCII 段 multiplicación
mov bx,ax;Se respalda la multiplicación BX el
mov 啊,02 h
mov dl,10,13 ; imprimimos 联合国非裔
int 21 h
mov 啊,02 h
mov dl,bh ; Imprime la 单方面阿尔塔德尔登记 BX,si el número es 市长德 9 imprime las decenas
添加 dl,30 h;Suma 30 段 imprimir el número 真实。
int 21 h
mov dl、 bl ; imprime la 单方面巴哈德 BX o la
- 2022-01-25 14:43:48下载
- 积分:1
C++ Realize operating system in the banker
C++实现操作系统中的银行家算法,只具有实现算法中的核心部分的代码,没有图形界面,有待修改.-C++ Realize operating system in the banker
- 2022-06-19 23:51:17下载
- 积分:1
由于每个十六进制数位对应4个二进制,所以每读入一个十六进制位后,即可将其对应的4个二进制位依次输出。由于数字‘0’~ ‘9’的ASCⅡ码为30H~39H,字母‘a’~‘f’与 ‘A’~‘F’的ASCⅡ码为61H~66H 与41H~46H ,因此,如果输入的字母为数字‘0’~‘9’,则其低4位即为对应的二进制位;如果输入的字符为字母‘a’~‘f’或‘A’~‘F’,则需要减7,然后通过移位将低4位依次输出。
-Reading from the keyboard into a 4 hexadecimal number, CRT display equivalent binary number. Since each hexadecimal number of the corresponding 4-bit binary, so every time into a hexadecimal places, can be its corresponding 4-bit binary sequence output. Due to the number
- 2022-12-17 12:35:03下载
- 积分:1
回溯法实现最小圆排列问题-Backtracking minimize problems with a round
- 2023-07-03 21:05:02下载
- 积分:1
无刷直流电机的SPWM程序,可以用来实现变频的作用-Brushless DC motor SPWM procedures, can be used to realize the role of frequency
- 2022-01-31 06:23:44下载
- 积分:1
This is the C language code and data structures to V source code Exercises
这是C语言代码,数据结构地五章习题源代码-This is the C language code and data structures to V source code Exercises
- 2022-01-26 04:03:02下载
- 积分:1
汇编操作蜂鸣器演奏音乐的例程,使用MASM6.15编译通过-operation of buzzer
- 2022-02-15 05:23:26下载
- 积分:1
The Snake game is based entirely on the ground floor of the assembly language, u...
该款贪吃蛇游戏完全基于底层的汇编语言,采用DOS调用的方式运行,并且是全彩色的,配有详细的游戏说明。-The Snake game is based entirely on the ground floor of the assembly language, used to call DOS run, and the full-color, with a detailed description of the game.
- 2022-07-04 01:21:14下载
- 积分:1
- 2022-12-09 14:05:03下载
- 积分:1