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●WinPopup增强版及VC++源程序 409K 2004

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●WinPopup增强版及VC++源程序 409K 2004-12-23 这是一个免费的用于局域网的消息传送小工具, 您可以用它来取代Windows 自带的WinPopup.EXE,和后者比较它有以下特点:消息可以自动保存, 根据您的选择最多可以保存 30 天;消息大小不再限制在 38 字节, 每条消息最多可以达到 400 字节;对单个计算机发出的消息, 可以要求接收方确认"已收到";可以广播消息到局域网中的多个工作组;可将它缩小为系统状态条图标, 当有消息到达时, 它可以发出声音或闪动图标加以提醒;可定制的消息文本显示字体和颜色;可选择让它开机自动运行;自动收集网络信息, 您可以在“网络邻居”列表中选择接收人, 而不是手工输入它。压缩包中含有可执行程序和源代码。-enhanced version and VC source 409K 2004-12-23 This is a free for LAN messaging small tool, you can use it to replace the Windows WinPopup.EXE, and the latter is more it has the following features : automatic preservation news, according to your choice of the most more can be preserved for 30 days; news is no longer limited to the size of 38 bytes each message can be up to 400 bytes; right individual information from the computer, the receiving party may request confirmation "has received"; news to be broadcast a number of LAN Working Group; it can be reduced to the system- state of the icon, when news arrived, it emits sounds or flashing icon t



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