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用c++实现了一个简单的将量化后的音频幅值,转化为二进制编码的程序。 对于初学pcm编码有用处,可以参考。



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/// /// /// private void lblNotFind_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { this.CreateConnections(); } /// /// 记住账号联动 /// /// /// private void chkRemAccount_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.chkRemAccount.Checked) { this.chkRemPassword.Checked = false; } } /// /// 记住密码联动 /// /// /// private void chkRemPassword_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.chkRemPassword.Checked) { this.chkRemAccount.Checked = true; } } /// /// 自动登录启动 /// /// /// private void AutoConectTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.AutoConectTimer.Enabled = false; new frmLinkInfo(this).Show(); base.Hide(); } #endregion #region 自定义方法 /// /// 初始登录 /// /// /// private void IntiLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(ADSLPath); try { if (info.Exists) { this.ReadConfig(); } if (this.chkAutoDia.Checked)//是否自动登录 { this.AutoConectTimer.Start(); } } catch (Exception) { File.Delete(ADSLPath); this.frmMain_Load(sender, e); } } /// ///设置控件提示 /// private void SetToolTip() { ToolTip tip = new ToolTip(); tip.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; tip.SetToolTip(this.btnCopyAccount, "复制账号到剪贴板。如果勾选了特殊拨号,复制的则是加密过的账号。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.btnDia, "手动进行拨号。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.chkAutoDia, "勾选后,下次启动将自动拨号。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.chkSpecial, "如果你原本使用协同拨号器拨号,请勾选此项。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.chkRemPassword, "勾选后,将会保存密码信息,同时保存账号信息。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.chkRemAccount, "勾选后,将会保存账号信息,但不会保存密码信息。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.txtPassword, "在这里输入你的密码。如果有字母,有大小写之分。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.lblNotFind, "如果拨号时提示找不到电话簿,请点击这里。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.txtAccount, "在这里输入你的用户名,如果是特殊拨号不分大小写。"); tip.SetToolTip(this.chkAutoClo, "勾选后拨号成功将自动关闭程序,如果拨号失败,则不会自动关闭。"); } /// /// 写入配置信息 /// private void WriteConfig() { this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "记住账号", this.chkRemAccount.Checked.ToString()); this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "记住密码", this.chkRemPassword.Checked.ToString()); this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "特殊拨号", this.chkSpecial.Checked.ToString()); this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "自动连接", this.chkAutoDia.Checked.ToString()); this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "自动关闭", this.chkAutoClo.Checked.ToString()); this.ini.Writue("用户设置", "首次使用", this.IsFirst.ToString()); if (this.chkRemAccount.Checked) { this.ini.Writue("用户信息", "账号", this.md5.Encryption(this.txtAccount.Text)); this.ini.Writue("加密密钥", "账号", key); } if (this.chkRemPassword.Checked) { this.ini.Writue("用户信息", "密码", this.md5.Encryption(this.txtPassword.Text)); this.ini.Writue("加密密钥", "密码", key); } } /// /// 读取配置信息 /// private void ReadConfig() { this.chkRemAccount.Checked = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "记住账号")); this.chkRemPassword.Checked = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "记住密码")); this.chkSpecial.Checked = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "特殊拨号")); this.chkAutoDia.Checked = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "自动连接")); this.chkAutoClo.Checked = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "自动关闭")); this.IsFirst = bool.Parse(this.ini.ReadValue("用户设置", "首次使用")); if (this.chkRemAccount.Checked) { this.txtAccount.Text = this.md5.Decryption(this.ini.ReadValue("加密密钥", "账号"), this.ini.ReadValue("用户信息", "账号")); if (this.txtAccount.Text.Trim() == "") { this.txtAccount.Text = null; } } if (this.chkRemPassword.Checked) { this.txtPassword.Text = this.md5.Decryption(this.ini.ReadValue("加密密钥", "密码"), this.ini.ReadValue("用户信息", "密码")); if (this.txtPassword.Text.Trim() == "") { this.txtPassword.Text = null; } } } /// /// 判断是否是第一次使用本软件 /// private void IsFirstUse() { if (this.IsFirst) { if (MessageBox.Show("检测到您是初次使用本软件,是否自动创建一个名为【宽带连接】的连接?如果已经存在,请选否。", "初次使用", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.CreateConnections(); } this.IsFirst = false; this.WriteConfig(); } } /// /// 连接宽带 /// private void NetDia() { this.IsFirstUse(); new frmLinkInfo(this).Show(); base.Hide(); } /// /// 电话簿 /// private void CreateConnections() { Process[] processArray; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(ConnectionsPath, false, Encoding.Default); writer.Write(this.GetVersion()); writer.Close(); Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = ConnectionsPath; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; base.Hide(); process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); File.Delete(ConnectionsPath); Label_006A: processArray = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process process2 in processArray) { if (process2.ProcessName.ToString() == "rasphone") { goto Label_006A; } } base.Show(); } /// /// 获取版本? /// /// private string GetVersion() { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append(""); str.Append("set ws=createobject("wscript.shell") "); str.Append(" ws.run "rasphone -a 宽带连接" "); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200 "); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{t}" "); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200 "); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{n}" "); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200 "); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{enter}" "); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200 "); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{enter}" "); if (Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion").GetValue("ProductName").ToString() == "Windows 7 Ultimate") { str.Append(""); str.Append("set ws=createobject("wscript.shell")"); str.Append(" ws.run "rasphone -a 宽带连接""); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200"); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{enter}""); str.Append(" wscript.sleep 200"); str.Append(" ws.sendkeys "{enter}""); } return str.ToString(); } #endregion }}
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