新生信息管理系统本系统需要三张表1 注册用户表,保存注册新生个人资料.数据项对应注册的个人信息2 管理员表,保存管理员名单.3 新生个人表,保存新生个人资料.在...
新生信息管理系统本系统需要三张表1 注册用户表,保存注册新生个人资料.数据项对应注册的个人信息2 管理员表,保存管理员名单.3 新生个人表,保存新生个人资料.在SQL中建立.包括新生的个人资料,对应注册用户查询和管理员修改 首先进入index.htm,你将可以进入选择进入登录或注册新用户,选择登录则进入log.asp,这里需要连接数据库进行身份确认.选择新用户注册则进入newuser1.asp在这里填入注册用户的资料,完成后写入数据库.以后也是一样,需连入数据方能运行.在系统中有3个数据库表,分别是:-new information management system this system needs to table a three registered users table, preservation freshmen registered personal information. Registration data corresponds to the personal information manager Table 2, preservation administrator list .3 new personal table, the depositary new personal data. Established in SQL. Including freshmen personal data, inquiries counterparts registered users and administrators to amend the first to reach index.htm, you will be able to choose to enter into the login or register new users, the choice is logged into log.asp here need to connect to the database for identification. choosing new registered users will enter newuser1.asp Enter here registered users of the information into the databas