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vc项目开发全程实录 的源代码,书上的第二个例子都有哦

于 2022-06-01 发布 文件大小:1.48 MB
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vc项目开发全程实录 的源代码,书上的第二个例子都有哦-Record vc project development throughout the source code, books, examples of both Oh ...



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  • Description: 对整型有序关键码序列进行折半查找,待排序序列以数组存储。如果找到待查记录,返回找到的位置下标,并删除该关键码记录;如果没找到待查记...
    Description: 对整型有序关键码序列进行折半查找,待排序序列以数组存储。如果找到待查记录,返回找到的位置下标,并删除该关键码记录;如果没找到待查记录,返回0,并将待查记录插入到适当位置,即该查找属于动态查找。输出查找过程中每一轮的low,mid,high 值,以及与给定值相比较的关键码值,并输出最后找到的位置,及变化后的数组。 注意:该数组为整型,数组中关键码存储位置为r[1]~r[n],r[0]留作它用,且关键码个数大于4. Input Format: 第一行输入数组中记录个数n 第二行输入n个有序的整型关键码,以空格隔开 接下来输入三个待查关键码,每个关键码占一行 Output format: 对于每个关键码,分别输出: 找到给定值之前的每一轮的low,mid,high及相比较的待查找序列中的关键码,以空格隔开 接下来一行输出查找到的位置 接下来一行输出变化后的待查找序列 -Description: The key codes for integers ordered sequence of binary search until the sorting sequence to an array of storage. If you find a complete set of records, returns to find the location of the next standard, and delete the key code is recorded if not find a complete set of records, returns 0, and a complete set of records inserted into the appropriate location, that is, the search was part of search. Find out the process for each one of the low, mid, high value, as well as compared to the value given the key code value and output of the last to find the locat
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