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my regular expression

于 2022-05-31 发布 文件大小:1.80 kB
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表达式.表达式规则: * 任意字符串或者没有 ? 任意一个 转义符 [,] 或者,例如[abc,bcd] (?-?) 单个字符范围 , , -my regular expression



0 个回复

  • dynamic modification toolbar icon
    动态修改工具条上图标-dynamic modification toolbar icon
    2023-06-16 01:55:03下载
  • 3DMAP演示了利用 API 的填充函数实现对美国地图的选择
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  • simulation a senior clock, including functional indicators shown, in digital for...
    程序模拟一台高级时钟,功能包括以指针方式显示、以数字方式显示、日历和秒表等;可设置时间和日期。 程序使用对话框结构,左方有框显示指针式钟面,其下方有两个矩形框,一个以数字方式显示日期、星期和时间,该时间应与指针显示的时间一致。另一个框作为秒表的显示框。对话框右方有设置时间按钮、时间快进按钮和秒表按钮-simulation a senior clock, including functional indicators shown, in digital form, calendar and stopwatch; To set a time and date. Procedures for the use of dialog structures, left a box shows the bell-pointer, followed with two rectangular box, a digital display to date, the week and time, the time should indicate the target time line. Another box as the stopwatch showed box. The dialog is the right time to set up buttons, time and the fast-forward button stopwatch button
    2022-01-26 05:22:46下载
  • 一个小型的保存和读取文件的小程序,用VC编写,通过把对话框的数据同步显示在视图中,并可把此数据保存成文件和读取该文件,有四个小计算程序,求阶乘,求平均值,求最大...
    一个小型的保存和读取文件的小程序,用VC编写,通过把对话框的数据同步显示在视图中,并可把此数据保存成文件和读取该文件,有四个小计算程序,求阶乘,求平均值,求最大值和交换值.-Preservation and a small applet to read the document, prepared by VC, through the dialog box is displayed in the data synchronization view, and the preservation of this data into a file and read the documents, there are four small computer program, and factorial, and the average order value and exchange value.
    2022-11-09 12:05:04下载
  • 一个飞机票订票和退票系统。假设某民航机场有m个航次的班机,每个航次都只到达一个目的地,试为该机场售票处设计一个自动订票和退票系统。 该系统需要实现以...
    一个飞机票订票和退票系统。假设某民航机场有m个航次的班机,每个航次都只到达一个目的地,试为该机场售票处设计一个自动订票和退票系统。 该系统需要实现以下功能: (1) 订票:若该航次余票数大于等于客订票数,则在该航次的乘客表(按乘客姓氏字母词典顺序排列)中,插入订票乘客的信息项,并修改该航次有关数据,否则给出相应提示信息; (2) 退票:若退票数小于该乘客原订票数,则在相应的乘客表中找到该乘客项,修改该航次及乘客表中有关数据。当由于退票使得该乘客的订票数为零时,要从乘客表中撤销该乘客项;否则给出相应的提示信息; (3) 将某航次的余票数恢复初值为该航次的最大客票数; (4) 显示:显示该机场各航次班机的售票情况。-Booking air tickets and a refund system. Assuming there are m a civil airport voyage of the flights, each voyage only to reach a destination, the trial design for an automated airport ticket booking and refund system. The system needs to achieve the following functions: (1) booking: If the voyage than the number of votes greater than or equal to the number of passengers booking, the passenger in the voyage List (alphabetical by passengers dictionary order), insert the booking information of passengers, and modify the data of the voyage Otherwise, the corresponding message (2) Refund: If the refund is less than the number of votes of the original passeng
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