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介绍了unix网络编程技术-of network programming technology



0 个回复

  • 是国内外非常经典的籍汇编的基本原则,从中约。
    是国内外非常经典的编译原理书籍,从中能够学到很多东西,值得推荐-Is very classic at home and abroad Compilation Principle of books, from which can learn a lot, it is recommended
    2022-05-20 18:59:23下载
  • AT89C52 Based Temperature and humidity control system source code, has been comm...
    基于AT89C52温湿度监控系统源代码,已经调试过,绝对可用-AT89C52 Based Temperature and humidity control system source code, has been commissioning, absolutely free
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  • 2006 软件评测师考试试题及答案 pdf格式
    2006 软件评测师考试试题及答案 pdf格式-2006 software testing questions and answers pdf
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  • 本课程的教学体系结构是,从在Visual C++编程环境建立一个程序框架入手,一步一步地介绍在当前在计算机上2D游戏常用的算法和方法(其中一些方法无论在上和网...
    本课程的教学体系结构是,从在Visual C++编程环境建立一个程序框架入手,一步一步地介绍在当前在计算机上2D游戏常用的算法和方法(其中一些方法无论在书上和网上都没有披露过的);其中根据编制游戏发展的需要,又进一步的介绍Visual C++编程的各种具体方法。每一个教学环节的完成,就是游戏的一个效果的完成。-This course structure is the teaching system, from the Visual C++ Programming environment to establish a procedural framework to start, step by step introduction in the current 2D game on the computer commonly used algorithms and methods (some of these methods in terms of books and online have not been disclosed) in which the preparation of the game in accordance with the needs of the development and further introduce Visual C++ programming a variety of specific methods. Each link in the completion of a teaching, that is, an effect of the game completed.
    2022-01-24 10:12:23下载
  • IEEE 802.11i
    IEEE 802.11i-2004 Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition (Reaff 2003). IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between system--Local and metropolitan area networks?Specific requirements--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications--Amendment 6: Medium Access Control (MAC) Security Enhancements
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  • 此文件为籍。求这里的trffic.rar急用。
    此文件为电子书籍。求这里的trffic.rar急用。-this paper to electronic books. Here trffic.rar seeking 194,900. Thank you
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  • C编程Kernighan和里奇
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  • 主要介绍了运用Visual C++ 5.0或6.0的高级编程技巧,内容涉及MFC程序设计的最新概念,全提供了大量VC的编程实例,旨在帮助读者较为全面地掌握...
    本书主要介绍了运用Visual C++ 5.0或6.0的高级编程技巧,内容涉及MFC程序设计的最新概念,全书提供了大量VC的编程实例,旨在帮助读者较为全面地掌握VC编程知识、技巧和方法。全书分为三个部分和附录。第一部分介绍Windows编程的基础知识,第二部分讲解用户界面编程技巧,最后一部分涉及Windows内部进程的一些实例。本书思路清晰,实用性强,是计算机应用人员及大专院校师生不可多得的参考书。 -This book introduces the use of Visual C++ 5.0 or 6.0 high-level programming skills, covering the latest MFC programming concepts, the book provides a large number of VC programming examples to help readers grasp the VC more comprehensive programming knowledge, skills and methods. The topics are divided into three parts and appendices. The first section describes the basic knowledge of Windows programming, the second part of the user interface on the programming skills, the last part of Windows internal processes involved in some examples. The book is clearly thought practical computer applications and tertiary students invaluable reference book.
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