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ERP Guide

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ERP教程-ERP Guide



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  • 学习MFC的好例4
    学习MFC的好例子4-learning MFC good example 4
    2023-05-16 09:30:04下载
  • 是我所看过的写的最好的剖析MFC源码的,这本其实出版的比台湾侯俊杰的《深入浅出MFC》要早,可现在网上把侯俊杰的那本都炒作的上天了(其实侯俊杰的写的...
    本书是我所看过的写的最好的剖析MFC源码的书,这本书其实出版的比台湾侯俊杰的《深入浅出MFC》要早,可现在网上把侯俊杰的那本书都炒作的上天了(其实侯俊杰的书写的并不怎么样,看完本书后你会同意我的说法)。 两者相比,李进久老师的这本《MFC深入浅出》除了文字更加的通俗易懂(没有台湾人那么多的废话,真搞不懂台湾人总是无故的自大是为什么!),所分析的东西更多,而且价格也只要二十几元,真的是不知道哪里可以买到,否则我一定会买一本的。-This book is what I have seen written in MFC source code analysis of the best books, in fact, this book published in Taiwan侯俊杰than the
    2022-03-13 08:55:30下载
  • jboss 开发人员 手册 JBoss: A Developer s Notebook also introduces the management con...
    jboss 开发人员 手册 JBoss: A Developer s Notebook also introduces the management console, the web services messaging features, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and shows you how to improve performance. At the end of each lab, you ll find a section called "What about..." that anticipates and answers likely follow-up questions, along with a section that points you to articles and other resources if you need more information. -ORM development manual JBoss : A Developer s Notebook also introduces the management console, the web services messaging features, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and shows you how to improve performance. At the end of each lab, you ll find a section called "What about ... "that anticipates and answers likely follow-up questions, along with a section that points you to articles and other resources if you need more information.
    2023-04-15 14:30:04下载
  • C语言的常用代码,面试宝典,经常在面试和笔试中所遇到的问题,例希望大家对大家有用...
    C语言的常用代码,面试宝典,经常在面试和笔试中所遇到的问题,例子希望大家对大家有用-Common C language code, book interviews, often in interviews and written tests in the problems encountered, for example, useful for all of us hope that we
    2022-05-17 02:49:55下载
  • CD
    本光盘是《数据结构(C语言版)》一书的配书光盘,作为数据结构课程的 辅助学习工具。 1. 光盘运行环境 硬件:Pentium 100以上多媒体PC机。 软件:Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP 操作系统。 2. 盘中内容 DSDemoW 数据结构算法演示系统(Windows版)β测试版 DSDemoC 数据结构算法演示系统(C语言描述)V3.1C中文版 Readme.txt 光盘使用说明 3. 使用光盘 -The CD-ROM is
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  • 基于VRML
    基于VRML-Java的虚拟装配系统开发-Development of Virtual Assembly System Based on VRML-Java
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  • DOS程序员参考手册是原先DOS程序员必备工具,学习汇编的程序员也该看看。...
    DOS程序员参考手册是原先DOS程序员必备工具书,学习汇编的程序员也该看看。-DOS programmer" s reference manual is an indispensable tool for the original DOS programmers book, a compilation of the study should also look at the programmers.
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  • C#编程100例源码,有好多例呀,希望对学习C#的朋友有用,这是第三个包!20个...
    C#编程100例源码,有好多例子呀,希望对学习C#的朋友有用,这是第三个包!20个-C# programming source of 100 cases, many examples of it, want to learn C# useful friends, This is the third package! 20
    2022-05-01 00:42:50下载
  • 紫外双
    UV 双光谱图像融合目前在国内外仍处于起步阶段, 在设计方案上的优越性、稳定性、功耗、算法的优化等方面需要解决的问题仍有许多。将目前的优秀图像匹配算法、图像融合算法用于实践, 与高性能的数字信号处理 相结合, 开发能实时或准实时图像融合功能的系统对我国军事技术乃至民用技术领域有着重要意义。-UV double-spectral image fusion is currently at home and abroad, still in its infancy in the design of the program on the advantages of stability, power consumption, the optimization algorithm need to be resolved there are still many problems. The current best algorithm for image matching, image fusion algorithm used in practice, with high-performance digital signal processing to combine the development of real-time or quasi real-time image fusion system function and even to China s military technology areas of civilian technology of great significance.
    2022-11-13 05:10:03下载
  • Virtual reality three
    虚拟现实中三维地形可视化系统研究与实现,描述了三维地形中的纹理视图的研究等技术.-Virtual reality three-dimensional terrain visualization system, Research and Implementation, describes the texture of three-dimensional terrain view of research techniques.
    2022-07-21 11:34:23下载
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