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一款简单的送货开单系统 sundatasoft 2007

于 2022-05-22 发布 文件大小:2.03 MB
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一款简单的送货开单系统 sundatasoft 2007-4-9 下载/浏览+1194 一款简单的送货开单系统 sundatasoft 2007-4-9 下载/浏览+1194-A simple billing system delivery sundatasoft 2007-4-9 Download/View+ 1194 delivery of a simple billing system sundatasoft 2007-4-9 Download/View+ 1194



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    十字链表是这样构成的:用链表模拟矩阵的行(或者列,这可以根据个人喜好来定),然后,再构造代表列的链表,将每一行中的元素节点插入到对应的列中去。书中为了少存几个表头节点,将行和列的表头节点合并到了一起――实际只是省了几个指针域,如果行和列数不等,多余的数据域就把这点省出的空间又给用了。这点小动作让我着实废了半天劲,个人感觉,优点不大,缺点不少,不如老老实实写得象个十字链表,让人也好看一些,这是教科书,目的是教学。实在看得晕的人,参阅C版的这部分内容,很清晰。我也不会画图,打个比方吧:这个十字链表的逻辑结构就像是一个围棋盘(没见过,你就想一下苍蝇拍,这个总见过吧),而非零元就好像是在棋盘上放的棋子,总共占的空间就是,确定那些线的表头节点和那些棋子代表的非零元节点。最后,我们用一个指针指向这个棋盘,这个指针就代表了这个稀疏矩阵-Crusaders is the form : Chain Simulation matrix rows (or out, This can be based on individual preferences to be), and then constructed on behalf of the chain out, Each line of the elements inserted into the node corresponding to the series. To book a few small depositors table first node, out of line and the first node table to merge together-- the reality is that a number of indicators provincial jurisdictions, if the number of rows and columns ranging, redundant data domain put this province has granted the use of the space. This little trick I did waste a half-day efforts, personal feeling, not merit, a lot of shortcomings,
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