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classic example of artificial neural network source. Zip SOM classic example of...

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经典的SOM人工神经网络例子源码.zip 经典的SOM人工神经网络例子源码.zip-classic example of artificial neural network source. Zip SOM classic example of artificial neural network source. Zip



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  • 人工智能与模糊控制_电力系统
    人工智能与模糊控制_电力系统-artificial intelligence and fuzzy control _ Power System
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  • MATLAB is the RBF neural network modeling procedures, more A reference value, we...
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  • 兔子狐狸生态平衡模拟器,可以模拟兔子狐狸相互依存的状况。...
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  • GENNET is a genetic algorithm to optimize the weights by the 16 neurons fully co...
    GENNET是一个通过遗传算法优化权重的16个神经元的全连接神经网络。训练目的是使网络在一定假设的激励下,随时间产生同目标函数同样的响应,即:可以把此网络制作为一个任意波形的信号发生器。 程序分3个示例说明遗传算法进化过程中网络输出的变化趋势。可以看出网络输出(蓝色曲线)随着时间变化逐渐逼近目标函数(红色曲线)。此程序不仅可以学习遗传算法,也可以用于研究全连接网络的直观示例。-GENNET is a genetic algorithm to optimize the weights by the 16 neurons fully connected neural networks. Training purposes is to enable network inspired by certain assumptions, over time, produce the same response with the objective function, namely: the network can be produced as an arbitrary waveform signal generator. Procedure, three examples illustrate the evolution of genetic algorithms in the network output trends. We can see that the network output (blue curve) changes over time, gradually approaching the objective function (red curve). This program can not only learn from the genetic algorithm can also be used to study visual example of a fully connected network.
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  • 函数的遗传算法优化程序
    函数的遗传算法优化程序-function of genetic algorithm optimization procedures
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  • 人工股市(Artificial Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序。在这个电脑中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序(Age...
    人工股市(Artificial Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序。在这个电脑中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序(Agent)通过观察它们所在的数字世界中股价和股息的不断变换而做出预测,并且根据这些预测做出购买股票与否以及购买股票数量的决策。反过来,所有的交易者的决策又决定了股票的价格,这样,整个的股票交易市场就构成了一个自我封闭的计算系统。同时,这些交易者都具有学习的能力,可以根据以前预测的成功或者失败对自己的决策进行调整,并且通过一种被称为遗传算法的方法产生创新能力。总之,ASM是一个电脑中不断进化的虚拟股票市场!通过研究ASM,我们可以更好的理解现实世界的行为,并且它提供了一个很好的现实股市的隐喻。 备注:该程序运行需要有Swarm平台的支持,关于这个平台可以到http://www.swarm.org免费下载。 -artificial stock market (Artificial Stock Market, or ASM) is a stock market simulation operation of the procedure. In this computer in the virtual market, a number of traders known as artificial intelligence (Agent) by observing them where the digital world and the stock dividend and the constantly changing projections, and based on these projections made whether or not to purchase stocks and the purchase of shares in decision-making. Conversely, all the decision-making transactions in turn determines the share price, so that the entire stock market would constitute a self-enclosed computer system. Moreover,
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