SHIFT_8REG是8位的一个具有移位功能的寄存器,每一次数据打入都会从这个寄存器的最低位打入,并相应进行向左移位。 ODD_110BREG是一个3位的备...
SHIFT_8REG是8位的一个具有移位功能的寄存器,每一次数据打入都会从这个寄存器的最低位打入,并相应进行向左移位。 ODD_110BREG是一个3位的备份寄存器,寄存器中存放的是奇数帧的同步头,也就是110。 EVEN_9BHREG是一个8位的备份寄存器,寄存器中存放的是偶数帧的同步头,也就是10011011。这两个寄存器的初始值在系统一开始就打入。 -SHIFT_8REG is eight with a displacement of the functional Register, Each will enter the data from the register into the lowest point, and the left shift accordingly. ODD_110BREG is a three backup Register, the Register is stored in the odd frame synchronization head, is 110. EVEN_9BHREG 8 is a backup Register, which register is kept even the first frame synchronization, is 10011011. This register the two initial value of the system into a start.