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This book is on the Xilinx

于 2022-05-14 发布 文件大小:271.06 kB
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这本书是关于Xilinx公司开发的ISE工具的中文教程,适合于初学FPGA设计的人使用,全书内容丰富,共包括9章,通过此书的学习可以了解并掌握FPGA的设计流程及设计方法。-This book is on the Xilinx



0 个回复

  • 通过本文章的学习能够使我们设计一些简单的逻辑电路和系统。很快我们就能过渡到设计相当复杂的数字逻辑系统。...
    通过本文章的学习能够使我们设计一些简单的逻辑电路和系统。很快我们就能过渡到设计相当复杂的数字逻辑系统。-To learn through this article, will enable us to design some simple logic circuits and systems. Soon we will be able to transition to the design of complex digital logic systems.
    2022-05-18 09:34:45下载
  • Continuous_delay_control_Farrow
    说明:  matlab代码,利用Farrow结构设计分数延时滤波器,滤波器阶数和个数可分别进行设置,利用最大最小准则近似(Matlab code, using Farrow structure design fractional delay filter, filter order and number can be set separately, using the maximum and minimum criterion approximation.)
    2019-06-14 09:10:59下载
  • DAC0832VHDL
    DAC0832 接口电路程序.功能:产生频率为762.9Hz的锯齿波DAC0832VHDL程序与仿真(DAC0832 procedures interface circuit. Functions: generate the sawtooth frequency of 762.9Hz and simulation procedures DAC0832VHDL)
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  • zuse
    验证阻塞赋值与非阻塞的赋值赋值过程的先后顺序(Verification of the order of assignment and non blocking assignment)
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  • ahb_interface
    AHB BUS, Master Slave Arbiter -- example(AHB BUS, Master Slave Arbiter)
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  • Blazing-Fiber-grating
    闪耀光栅 有带阻滤波器作用的闪耀光纤光栅,反射角度可以控制(Blazed grating)
    2021-03-27 09:19:12下载
  • Receiver
    GE PCI5565 PMC5565 PCIE5565反射内存网数据中断接收程序 接收中断 反射内存网 VMIC5565反射内存卡 实时仿真技术 PCI5565PIORC-110000(GE PCI5565 PMC5565 PCIE5565 reflective memory network data interrupt transmission program VMIC5565 reflective memory card real-time simulation technology)
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  • ecc
    This paper analyzes the cryptography scheme of the Trust Platform Model(TPM). The focus of the discussion would be the comparison of elliptic curve cryptography and the nowadays widely used 2048-bit RSA in evaluating which would be better suited to be used on TPM. A TPM implementation scheme based on ECC is proposed, which includes encryption and decryption schemes, signature and verification scheme, key agreement scheme. Corresponding examples of TPM commands would also be given.
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  • Verilog_code_for_AWGN
    说明:  verilog实现awgn信道噪声的代码,支持可变的信噪比。利用移位寄存器来实现伪随机序列。(verilog code for implementation of awgn channel noise. support variable snr. use LSFR to implement the pseudo random sequence. )
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  • frequency-digital-phase-measuring-
    低频数字式相位测量仪,数码管显示相位差,精度为0.1(Low frequency digital phase measuring instrument, digital pipe display phase difference )
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  • 696518资源总数
  • 104444会员总数
  • 15今日下载