- 2022-01-25 14:33:45下载
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traveling salesman Branch and Bound graphics algorithm to solve the traveling sa...
货郎担 分枝限界算法图形求解货郎担问题的分枝限界算法图形演示-traveling salesman Branch and Bound graphics algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem Branch and Bound algorithm graphic demonstration
- 2023-01-15 15:25:04下载
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ACO-ant colony optimization
- 2022-07-24 21:04:37下载
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This example shows how to perform a repeated sequence of conversions using
// "repeat sequence-of-channels" mode. -This example shows how to perform a repeated sequence of conversions using//
- 2022-02-12 22:59:25下载
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/ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /功能annot
//=== === === === === === === =
//使用方法:double *x ---- 存放n个数据点的X坐标
// double *y ---- 存放n个数据点的Y坐标
// int n -------- 给定数据点个数
// double *a ---- 返回m-1次拟合多项式的m个系数
// int m -------- 拟合多项式的项数,即拟合多项式的最高次为m-1。要求m20,则本函数自动按m=min{n,20}处理
// double *dt --- dt[0]返回拟合多项式与各数据点误差的平方和;dt[1]返回拟合多
// 项式与各数据点的误差绝对值之和;dt[2]返回拟合多项式与各数据
// 点误差绝对值的最大值
//注意事项:拟合多项式的形式为 y = b0 + b1*(x-Xavr)...
-//=== === === === === ==== === === === === === === ==== === =// function annotations// function name : PolyFit// Function functions : Least Squares Curve Fitting// Use : double* x n-store data point coordinates of the X//* y double-storage n data point Y coordinates// int n-------- given the number of data points//* a double---- returned to the m-1 m fit polynomial coefficients// int m-------- polynomial fitting items , which is the highest polynomial fitting time for m-1. Request m
- 2023-07-25 11:15:03下载
- 积分:1
Gauss消去法程序顺序高斯消去法是求解联立线性代数方程的流行方法,许多算法都来自这个方法。这个方法是通过一系列操作实现将增广矩阵简化成上三角矩阵,向量b在这个过程中也被修改,由回代过程得到解向量下x,消去和回代步骤如下:aij=aij-(aik/akk)*akj,k=0,1,2,3,...,(n-2);akk!=0i=(k+1),(k+2),...,(n-1) j=k,(k+1),..,nxn-1=a(n-1)n/a(n-1)(n-1)
- 2022-03-29 00:57:01下载
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- 2022-06-15 17:41:12下载
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struct book //图书
long NO;//编号
char name[10];//书名
char author[10];//作者名
int classification;//分类号
char publish_unit[20];//出版单位
long publish_time;//出版时间
int number;//库存数
- 2022-02-22 11:27:15下载
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有限元计算程序,供软件工程,力学专业的老师和学生参考-Finite element program for software engineering, mechanical professional teachers and students for reference
- 2022-02-24 19:15:32下载
- 积分:1
很有用的,一些经常用到的C算法程序集。-very useful, some of the frequently used procedures Set C algorithms.
- 2022-02-13 14:43:08下载
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