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Tongji University in curriculum design, the one that! Tree request to enter the...

于 2022-05-08 发布 文件大小:922.00 B
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同济大学课程设计中的一道题! 要求能够输入树的各个结点,并能够输出用不同方法遍历的遍历序列;分别建立建立二叉树存储结构的的输入函数、输出层序遍历序列的函数、输出先序遍历序列的函数.-Tongji University in curriculum design, the one that! Tree request to enter the various nodes, and can output using different methods traverse the traversal sequence; Binary Tree set up to establish the structure of the storage function input and output sequence traversal sequence of function, the output preorder sequence of function.



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