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于 2022-05-07 发布 文件大小:2.42 MB
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不错的多开补丁源代码,不需要解压密码,欢迎大家使用-good patches more open source code, not extracting passwords and you are welcome to use



0 个回复

  • provided by the Philips company mfrc design information is complete, I was used...
    飞利浦公司提供的mfrc设计资料,很全的,我就是利用它来设计读卡器的-provided by the Philips company mfrc design information is complete, I was used to design the reader
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  • 用c语言实现学生成绩管理系统 用c语言实现学生成绩管理系统...
    用c语言实现学生成绩管理系统 用c语言实现学生成绩管理系统-Using c language student achievement management system using c-language student achievement management system
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  • ARM 指令集, 翻译:寒蝉退士, 译者声明:译者对文档的内容做了订正和改动,译者对文档不做任何形式的担保并且不承担任何责任,译者对文档不拥有任何权利并且不...
    ARM 指令集, 翻译:寒蝉退士, 译者声明:译者对文档的内容做了订正和改动,译者对文档不做任何形式的担保并且不承担任何责任,译者对文档不拥有任何权利并且不负担任何义务。-ARM instruction set, translation: chilling back with disabilities, translator statement: translator for the content of the document and make the revised changes, the translator of the document to make any form of guarantee and does not assume any responsibility, the translator of the document does not possess any rights and do not bear any obligation.
    2022-09-22 10:25:03下载
  • 电脑可以猜出你心中的牌是什么牌 只需要询问2次,试试吧.
    电脑可以猜出你心中的牌是什么牌 只需要询问2次,试试吧.-computer can guess your mind what license plates is only need to ask two times, try playing ......... ..........................
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  • Game Boy Advanced (GBA), Nintendo of Japan in 2001 introduced a 32
    Game Boy Advanced(GBA)是日本任天堂公司于2001年推出的一款32位掌上游戏机.它着重于游戏机的便携式,并且以2D游戏为主(3D游戏依然不错).GBA有十分高效硬件图像处理加速,GBA基本上是现在全球公认的最佳的掌上游戏机.-Game Boy Advanced (GBA), Nintendo of Japan in 2001 introduced a 32-bit handheld console. It focuses on the portable console, and a 2D game-focused (3D games still good). GBA has a very efficient image processing hardware acceleration is basically GBA now recognized worldwide as the best handheld console.
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  • Supply UFIDA Financial Qualcomm, U8 software, speed up to a full range of softwa...
    供应用友财务通、U8软件、速达全系列软件. ... l 报表数据接口:提供与久其报表的接口:符合财政部统计评价司要求的数据接口软件,它可以独立运行,也可以内嵌其它软件中运行,它按照您定义的指标从用友账务中取数。 -Supply UFIDA Financial Qualcomm, U8 software, speed up to a full range of software. ... L statements data interface: to provide long-interface of its statements: compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and Statistics Division evaluation of the data interface software, it can run independently, can also be embedded in other software to run it according to your definition of indicators taken from the UF in the number of accounts.
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  • 基于C语言的万年历
    应用背景基于C语言的万年历项目,实现了阴历,阳历,节气,节日,生肖,天干,地支等功能,并且有window和Linux两个版本,内涵PPT供分析代码。关键技术/**年份码表**/ const unsigned int LunarCalendarTable[199] = { 0x04AE53,0x0A5748,0x5526BD,0x0D2650,0x0D9544,0x46AAB9,0x056A4D,0x09AD42,0x24AEB6,0x04AE4A,/*1901-1910*/ 0x6A4DBE,0x0A4D52,0x0D2546,0x5D52BA,0x0B544E,0x0D6A43,0x296D37,0x095B4B,0x749BC1,0x049754,/*1911-1920*/ 0x0A4B48,0x5B25BC,0x06A550,0x06D445,0x4ADAB8,0x02B64D,0x095742,0x2497B7,0x04974A,0x664B3E,/*1921-1930*/ 0x0D4A51,0x0EA546,0x56D4BA,0x05AD4E,0x02B644,0x393738,0x092E4B,0x7C96BF,0x0C9553,0x0D4A48,/*1931-1940*/ 0x6DA53B,0x0B554F,0x056A45,0x4AADB9,0x025D4D,0x092D42,0x2C95B6,0x0A954A,0x7B4ABD,0x06CA51,/*1941-1950*/ 0x0B5546,0x555ABB,0x04DA4E,0x0A5B43,0x352BB8,0x052B4C,0x8A953F,0x0E9552,0x06AA48,0x6AD53C,/*1951-1960*/ 0x0AB54F,0x04B645,0x4A5739,0x0A574D,0x052642,0x3E9335,0x0D9549,0x75AABE,0x056A51,0x096D46,/*1961-1970*/ 0x54AEBB,0x04AD4F,0x0A4D43,0
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