首页 » 电子书 » 作为课程工作的一部分“信息管理系统测试”…


于 2022-05-04 发布 文件大小:4.13 MB
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As part of the course work on the course "Information management systems testing aircraft" required to develop a software package that implements the following functions: providing cartographic support, positioning the cursor, to calculate the distance between two points, building trails spacecraft (SC) construction zone of radio visibility of satellites and surveillance zones construction cyclograms communications by ground tracking station and spacecraft-As part of the course work on the course "Information management systems testing aircraft" required to develop a software package that implements the following functions: providing cartographic support, positioning the cursor, to calculate the distance between two points, building trails spacecraft (SC) construction zone of radio visibility of satellites and surveillance zones construction cyclograms communications by ground tracking station and spacecraft



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