首页 » Matlab » 用牛顿插值法法对函数进行拟合


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0 个回复

  • matlab-optimization
    对Matlab中的优化问题进行了详细的分类阐述(introduce the optimization clesrly in matlab)
    2009-04-20 14:23:06下载
  • ugm
    Upper gain margin Intended for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems, the text is also useful for graduate students and practicing engineers who are learning state-space design techniques.
    2008-06-08 23:09:10下载
  • wavelet_lab2
    对图像做二维离散小波变换,分解级数为3级,并重构图像,不直接调用Matlab的dwt和idwt函数。(pair of 2-dimensional images DWT, decomposition of the three series, and Image Reconstruction, not directly call Matlab dwt and idwt function.)
    2006-12-03 11:39:43下载
  • Computer-Vision-Using-Local-Binary-Patterns
    The local binary pattern (LBP) is a simple yet very efficient operator which labels the pixels of an image by thresholding the neighborhood of each pixel and considers the result as a binary number. Perhaps the most important property of the LBP operator in real-world applications is its invariance against monotonic gray level changes caused, for example, by illumination variations. Another equally important is its computational simplicity, which makes it possible to analyze images in challenging real-time settings. LBP is also very flexible: it can be easily adapted to different types of problems and used together with other image descriptors
    2013-09-19 10:04:03下载
  • fengshanchukoucanshu
    可以计算出航空发动机的风扇及其相关部件的相关参数(Can be calculated fan of aircraft engines, the relevant parameters and associated components)
    2013-09-22 23:05:31下载
  • 谐波电流检测仿真
    三相桥式不控整流主电路仿真模型,根据控制框图搭建交流测谐波电流检测模块,并给出检测所得谐波电流的波形(Based on the simulation model of three-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier main circuit, the detection module of AC harmonic current is built according to the control block diagram, and the waveform of harmonic current is given.)
    2018-10-11 12:04:15下载
  • KSVD_sparse
    基于图像内容的检索,文献及其相关代码,2012年的会议CVPR(Image content-based retrieval, literature, and their associated code, 2012 meeting CVPR)
    2012-12-28 21:22:56下载
  • tudou
    用matlab实现的土豆骨架提取,非matlab在带函数(计算机视觉作业)(Extraction using matlab realize potatoes skeleton with non matlab function in (Computer Vision jobs))
    2014-12-02 13:30:00下载
  • ga-tool3
    基于matlab的关于遗传算法的一些重要的函数的m文件,供读者参考 (Based on some of the important matlab m file on genetic algorithm function for readers reference)
    2013-12-23 14:18:19下载
  • CommunicationSystem
    使用QPSK调制方式的简单的通信系统,包含载波同步位同步等模块(a simple communication system, using QPSK modulation, including bit synchronization and carrier synchronization)
    2012-01-31 11:09:27下载
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