在运用VC开发数据库管理系统时,列表框无疑是最常用也是最为有用直观的开发控件之一,然而VC所提供的列表框却有其局限,因此,也为运用其开发应用程序带来了一定的麻烦, 在此,本人制作一个功能略强一些的列表框,意在起到引线的作用. 思想: 得到列表框被点击的列与行,临时创建编辑框,并用该行与列的字符填写编辑框,进行编辑后, 用编辑后的字符填充该项行该列,销毁编辑框.-VC development in the use of database management system, the list box is undoubtedly the most commonly used and most useful in the development of intuitive controls, but it provided by the VC list box has its limitations, it is also possible to use its development and application procedures resulted in some trouble here, I produced a functional some slightly list box, intended to play a lead role. Thought : Scored list by clicking on the box out and deeds to create temporary edit box, and used the trip to fill out the characters edit box, edit, edit with the characters that fill out the line, the destruction of editing box.