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3DS loader-c +三维模型读取

于 2022-04-27 发布 文件大小:20.02 MB
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0 个回复

  • opengl编的,三维界面,提供接口,可用于开发3d和平面软件
    opengl编的,三维界面,提供接口,可用于开发3d和平面软件-opengl series, three-dimensional interface, providing interface can be used to develop software 3d and planar
    2023-02-24 11:00:03下载
  • 编程环境为VC,结合OpenGL,实现了飞机在虚拟场景中的漫游。可以自动漫游,也可以键盘控制漫游方向。...
    编程环境为VC,结合OpenGL,实现了飞机在虚拟场景中的漫游。可以自动漫游,也可以键盘控制漫游方向。-Programming environment for the VC, combined with OpenGL, the realization of the plane in a virtual scene roaming. Automatic roaming, roaming can also control the direction of the keyboard.
    2022-03-05 20:17:20下载
  • 类似VC MDI界面的Opengl程序,使得可在同一界面下显示多种视。用dev...
    类似VC MDI界面的Opengl程序,使得可在同一界面下显示多种视图。用dev-C++编译-similar VC Opengl MDI interface that allows the same interface can be shown under a variety of views. With dev- C compiler
    2022-07-26 04:26:15下载
  • more texture expansion terrain in photorealistic rendering of one
    多纹理扩展技术在真实感地形绘制中的应用 一偏横好的论文-more texture expansion terrain in photorealistic rendering of one-sided good thesis Wang
    2022-03-25 02:57:59下载
  • 一个简单的OPENGL画球和立方体的程序。用鼠标拖动可以在视上画出相应大小的球和立方体,并在树型列表中显示个数和名称。并与视中的球和立方体相关联。能在视中...
    一个简单的OPENGL画球和立方体的程序。用鼠标拖动可以在视图上画出相应大小的球和立方体,并在树型列表中显示个数和名称。并与视图中的球和立方体相关联。能在视图中改变位置和大小。-a simple OpenGL ball and cube painting process. Drag the mouse can be used in the corresponding view on the size of a paint ball and cube and the tree list shows the number and names. And with the view of the ball and the associated cube. Views can change in location and size.
    2022-05-24 16:55:54下载
  • image processing to the needs and would like to achieve th ree
    本人为了图像处理的需要,很想实现二维图像的三维显示,于是写了本代码,希望与此有兴趣的读者共享。图像的获取一是bmp图像文件,二是来自剪贴板。本代码在MFC中调用OpenGL库函数来实现二维图像的三维显示,图像的宽度、高度和象素的亮度分别为三维空间的x,z,y坐标。程序主要有初始化、绘图、资源释放和操作部分,这些功能在OGL_MFCView.cpp文件中实现。OpenGL库的初始化在该文件中的OnCreate,InitScene和DrawScene函数中实现,主要初始化OpenGL运行时的环境变量,三维物体的光照,材质等,由于介绍OpenGL库的初始化的文档很多,在这里我就不多说了,感兴趣的读者可以参考有关的文档。在DrawScene函数中调用全局函数GLDraw3DBMP完成绘图部分。 编译源代码时,必须把opengl32.lib glu32.lib链到工程中。 可以通过对话框改变材质。按上下箭头键可以实现三维图像的绕x轴旋转,按左右箭头键可以实现三维图像绕z轴旋转。 本代码在Windows2000下编译通过。-image processing to the needs and would like to achieve th ree-dimensional two-dimensional images, then wrote the code, with the readers are interested in sharing. Image Access First bmp image files, two from the clipboard. The MFC code Calling OpenGL library functions to achieve the three-dimensional two-dimensional image display, image width, height and pixel brightness of the three-dimensional space x, z, y coordinates. Main initialization procedures, mapping, the release of resources and operation, the function of these documen
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