模拟滤波器:数字信号处理及MATLAB实现(Analog Filter: Digital signal processing and MATLAB implementation)
- 2010-01-13 19:59:58下载
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aut suspension system
- 2012-07-06 22:54:23下载
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这是基于观测器的DMC算法,可以和GPC算法进行比较,控制效果不输GPC算法(This is the DMC algorithm based on observer , and it can be compared with GPC algorithm ,it s control effect is better than GPC algorithm)
- 2014-09-20 19:37:35下载
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simple moving average trading demo
- 2015-01-15 22:43:31下载
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2^2 factorial design analysis. in matlab
- 2015-03-03 15:08:50下载
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说明: VQ声纹识别算法和实验.
摘要:采用线性预测倒谱系数(1inear prediction cepstrum coefficient,LPCC)作为语音的特征参数,矢量量化(vector quantity,VQ)方法进行模式匹配,探讨声纹识别以实现身份认证,并对此识别方法进行了相关的实验.通过验证,这种方法可以区分不同的说话人,并且在做说话人辨认实验时可达到较高的识别率.(VQ pattern recognition algorithms and experimental sound. Abstract: The linear prediction cepstral coefficients (1inear prediction cepstrum coefficient, LPCC) as the voice of the characteristic parameters, vector quantization (vector quantity, VQ) method of pattern matching, pattern recognition of sound in order to achieve authentication and identification methods relevant to this experiment. Validated, this method can distinguish between different speaker, and speaker identification experiments to do to reach a higher recognition rate.)
- 2011-04-08 17:19:21下载
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MYADDER M-file for myAdder.fig
MYADDER, by itself, creates a new MYADDER or raises the existing
H = MYADDER returns the handle to a new MYADDER or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
MYADDER( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in MYADDER.M with the given input arguments.
MYADDER( Property , Value ,...) creates a new MYADDER or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before myAdder_OpeningFunction gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to myAdder_OpeningFcn via varargin.
It s great code for learning GUI in Matlab simple and basic.
- 2009-11-25 16:14:34下载
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利用MUSIC算法来分析信号的频率,MUSIC算法的有效性分析(Analysis of the validity of the MUSIC algorithm to analyze the frequency of the signal, MUSIC algorithm)
- 2013-01-09 10:23:05下载
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根据归一化后的原始数据曲线,进行导数变换等,然后运用自组织神经网络进行藻种识别(According to the normalized data,we use the Differential switch,and then identify the HABs using the SOM.)
- 2011-06-05 09:28:41下载
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经验模态分解m源程序,matlab实现,一般用于信号分析处理...(The EMD program,executed in matlab)
- 2021-01-26 16:28:36下载
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