- 2022-05-06 04:18:59下载
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用工具栏实现MenuBar简单实用-toolbar with simple and practical realization of Wet
- 2023-07-30 02:00:02下载
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FreeType 2被设计为一种占用空间小的、高效的、高度可定制的、并且可以产生可移植的高品质输出(符号图像)。可以被用在诸如图像库、展出服务器、字体转换工具、图像文字产生工具等多种其它产品上。
- 2023-05-19 22:05:04下载
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微软活动目录2003自定义操作工具,适用与企业管理。一、系统环境系统环境:Windows Server 2008 R2, VS2010, .Net Framework 4.0AD Server:LDAP的server IP基本DN:OU=user,DC=Company,DC=com用来登录的管理员:Peter密码:ab#CD%1234二、程序1. 引用.Net操作AD的类在命名空间System.DirectoryServices下,需要将该类引用进来。2. 连接要操作AD需首先连接AD,就象要操作数据先要连接数据库一样。3. 查询根据各种条件获取具体的用户。下例为根据公共名称获取对象。4. 修改用户
- 2023-08-24 23:40:03下载
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可重复使用的WNDCTRL类 这个类基本上容纳了一些隐藏的控件和窗口。一个 WndCtrl对象有两个状态, 即开和关。你必须把这个控件加到m_WndCtrl中。
可重复使用的WNDCTRL类 这个类基本上容纳了一些隐藏的控件和窗口。一个 WndCtrl对象有两个状态, 即开和关。你必须把这个控件加到m_WndCtrl中。当WndCtrl被打开的时候,控件被创建,当WndCtrl被关闭的时候,控件被隐藏或撤销。WndCtrl将会是所有加到它上面的控件的父节点。WndCtrl可以在关闭或开着的状态下改变大小或重新定位。然而,关闭状态下的大小是静态的,不能被改变。无论大小是否被改变,都将会影响WndCtrl开着的状态- Might duplicate a WNDCTRL kind of this kind which used
basically holds some hideaways to control and the window. A WndCtrl
object has two conditions, namely opens with the pass. You must
control this to add to in m_WndCtrl. When WndCtrl is opened, controls
to found, when WndCtrl is closed, controls to hide or to abolish.
WndCtrl could be all adds to above it to control the father pitch
point. WndCtrl may the condition change the size under the closure
either is opening or relocate. However, under the off-position size is
the static state, cannot change. Regardless of size whether is
changed, all will be able to affect WndCtrl will be opening the
- 2022-04-23 17:35:58下载
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- 2023-04-09 05:40:03下载
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利用组件库中的Splash Screen组件实现
利用组件库中的Splash Screen组件实现
-Use of component library in the Splash Screen Component Implementation (1), such as using Photoshop to make a boot screen image, save it as a bmp format. (2) Appwizard build a project based on single document Splash. (3) in terms of resources to insert bitmap resources
- 2022-12-01 22:10:03下载
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第一次上传,弄了一个简单的链表实现代码,希望以后有机会继续上传质量高的代码-The first upload, get a simple linked list implementation code, and hope that it will have the opportunity to upload high quality code
- 2022-02-11 21:36:10下载
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用VC制作带有滚动字幕的软件封面-VC production with subtitles rolling cover software
- 2022-02-26 11:23:08下载
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标题列的走马灯效果的示例。 //你一次上载,试试,请多关照。-heading out to the merry-go-round effect of examples.// You once available, try the news conference for.
- 2022-01-25 14:34:21下载
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