此工具是arm-linux-gcc交叉编译工具(cross-3.4.4),这个是我自己编译的,我试过,我用它编译了u-boot1.2.0没有问题,这个交叉编译器编了好长时间,我之前在网上搜了好长时间,但是没搜到,所以今天贡献出来,免得大家还得费时间去编译,我现在用是没有问题,如果有问题请多指教。希望热爱linux的同志们多贡献点好东西出来!-This tool is arm-linux-gcc cross compiler tools (cross-3.4.4), this is my own compiler, I tried, I use it to compile the u-boot1.2.0 no problem, the cross compiler made a good long time before I found online a long time, but never found, so this contribution to come out, so everyone will have time to compile, I now use is no problem, please advise if there are problems. Hope love linux comrades contribution to point out good things!