For a company, it did when the establishment of the first thing I am afraid that...
对于一间公司来说,它成立之时所做的第一件事恐怕就是任命CEO了。之后,CEO就会开始雇用员工,也会有员工离职去别的公司。假设公司中的每一个员工(包括 CEO在内)都可以直接雇用新的员工,而公司中的所有员工(包括CEO)也都可能会跳槽离开,则某公司在成立一段时间之后的的组织结构如图1:(详细见内部文档)-For a company, it did when the establishment of the first thing I am afraid that is the appointment of a CEO. After, CEO will begin hiring staff, there will be staff leaving the service to other companies. Assume that every employee in the company (including the CEO included) can be directly to hiring new staff, and the company all employees (including the CEO) are also likely to jump ship to leave, then the establishment of a company after a period of time, the organizational structure of Figure 1: