Intended to develop an ATM of a bank teller machine system to achieve the follow...
某银行拟开发一套ATM取款机系统,实现如下功能: 1、开户(到银行填写开户申请单,卡号自动生成) 2、取钱 3、存钱 4、查询余额 5、转账(如使用一卡通代缴手机话费、个人股票交易等) 现要求对“ATM柜员机系统”进行数据库的设计并实现,数据库保存在D:ank目录下,文件增长率为15 。 -Intended to develop an ATM of a bank teller machine system to achieve the following functions: 1, open an account (complete bank account opening application form, card number, automatically generated) 2, to collect the money 3, save four, query the balance of 5, transfers (such as the use of a Cartoon payment of phone calls, personal stock, etc.) is called for " ATM ATM system" for database design and implementation, the database stored in D: bank directory, the file growth rate of 15 .