detailed discussion of Sun's Java Data Objects (JDO) standard. JDO allows us...
详细地讨论Sun公司的Java数据对象(JDO)标准。JDO允许我们使用Java对象,支持事务和多用户。与ODBC不同的是,它使我们无需考虑SQL和与数据库有关的其他东西。它与串行化也有所区别,因为它支持多个用户和事务。JDO允许Java开发人员将他们的数据模型用作数据模型,无需在“数据端”、“对象端”之间的转移方面花费大量的时间-detailed discussion of Sun"s Java Data Objects (JDO) standard. JDO allows us to use Java objects, support services and more users. With ODBC different is that it enables us to take into consideration the SQL database and the other things. It also Serialization distinction, because it supports multiple users and services. JDO allows Java developers to their data model for the data model, not the "data terminal", "target end" of the transfer to spend a lot of time