首页 » Windows开发 » VB窗体滚动条控件写的一个简单的应用实例附上…


于 2022-04-20 发布 文件大小:31.43 kB
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VB窗体滚动条控件,简单写一应用实例附上源代码,从截图就可以看出,是不是有点个性?上侧的滚动条是不能拖动的,可以作为指示用,类似进度条的功能,拖动下边的滚动条,上边的会自动指示出滚动条拖动的大致位置,还有中间滚动、两侧滚动,使用方法比较多,慢慢研究吧。 -VB Forms scroll bar controls to write a simple application example to attach the source code, from the screenshot you can see, is not it a little personality? On the side of the scroll bar is not drag, and can be used as direct use, similar to the function of the progress bar, drag the bottom of the scroll bar, above the scroll bar will automatically indicate the general location of drag, as well as the middle of rolling on both sides of Scroll, using methods are more leisurely study bar.



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