① 通过几何变换函数实现场景的平移、缩放、旋转,从而实现从各个角度观察场景,即视点固定,场景变化。 本实验目的不在于建模,因此场景可以通过调用glut库中的...
① 通过几何变换函数实现场景的平移、缩放、旋转,从而实现从各个角度观察场景,即视点固定,场景变化。 本实验目的不在于建模,因此场景可以通过调用glut库中的函数直接绘制,如立方体 。 -① through the geometric transformation function realize scenes of translation, scaling, rotation, and thus realize the scene from various angles, that is a fixed point of view, the scene changes. The purpose of this experiment does not lie in modeling, so scenes can be by calling the library function glut direct mapping, such as the cube.