Features: 1602 Character LCD Driver Development Environment: WinAVR hardware env...
功能 : 1602字符型液晶显示驱动
作 者:bjj9217@163.com-Features: 1602 Character LCD Driver Development Environment: WinAVR hardware environment: ATMEGA32/AVR development board creation date :2008-3-27 last modified :2008-3-27 Author: bjj9217@163.com
- 2023-05-11 06:20:02下载
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smart boy is gangadhar mail me iif can
- 2022-07-18 16:15:56下载
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Basic weighing functions, and play to display a list of some of the features, yo...
基本的称重功能,和发挥部分的显示购物清单的功能,可以设置日期和重新设定 10 种商品的单价,具有超重报警功能,由于系统资源丰富,还可以方便的扩展其应用
-Basic weighing functions, and play to display a list of some of the features, you can set the date and re-setting unit 10 kinds of commodities, with overweight alarm function, the system is rich in resources, but also facilitate the expansion of its application
- 2023-05-11 12:50:03下载
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这是一款专门用于单片机上显示的LED字符生成器,只要经过简单的段排列,通过鼠标选择你想要成生的字符图案。本软件分为生成常规字符和特殊字符两种功能-This is a special show for SCM LED character generator, through a simple paragraph with, you want the mouse to choose students into the pictorial characters. The software is divided into conventional generated characters and special characters two functions!
- 2022-04-08 10:40:01下载
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这个程序是基于有MMC下的SPI接口驱动程序源代码-This procedure is based on the MMC under the SPI interface driver source code
- 2023-05-09 21:30:03下载
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智能快速充电器设计资料,包括NI-CD NI-MH和锂电池,铅蓄电池充电器的设计
-Intelligent fast charger design information, including NI-CD NI-MH and lithium batteries, lead acid battery charger design
- 2023-07-28 10:55:06下载
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DS18b20d the C51 process a number of functions including:// Delay subprogram// r...
DS18b20d的c51程序的若干个函数 包括: //延时子程序//读温度//DS18B20初始化程序//读一个字节//写一个字节//键盘扫描程序//主程序-DS18b20d the C51 process a number of functions including:// Delay subprogram// read temperature// DS18B20 initialization procedure// read one byte// write one byte// keyboard scanner// main program
- 2022-07-03 02:38:34下载
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pic microcontroller c language guides, microship Company engineers to write tech...
pic单片机c语言教程,microship公司工程师写的技术文章,对使用pic的c编程很有帮助,本文章是中文版。-pic microcontroller c language guides, microship Company engineers to write technical articles, the use of the c pic programming venture, the article is the Chinese version.
- 2022-07-14 15:01:46下载
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一种自激式开关稳压电源的设计, pdf格式
一种自激式开关稳压电源的设计, pdf格式
- 2022-05-07 03:56:54下载
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LCD1602液晶驱动 单片机为AT98S52
LCD1602液晶驱动 单片机为AT98S52-Single-chip LCD driver LCD1602 for AT98S52
- 2023-02-24 01:00:03下载
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