DS18B20温度控制器是以美国MAXIM/DALLAS半导体公司的单总线温度传感器DS18B20为核心,以ATMEL公司的AT89C52为控制器制作的结构简单、测温准确、具有一定控制功能的智能温度控制器。适合于恶劣环境的现场温度测量,如:环境控制、设备或过程控制、测温类消费电子产品。现实生活中的电冰箱,电脑机箱,就使用的这种经济的温度传感器显示工作环境温度。通过这种动态的温度测量,能实时的了解各种仪器设备的工作温度,进而判断仪器设备工作是否正常。-DS18B20 temperature controller is based on the United States MAXIM/DALLAS Semiconductor single-bus temperature sensor DS18B20 as the core, ATMEL Corporation AT89C52 produced for the controller structure is simple, accurate temperature measurement has a certain control functions of the smart temperature controller. Suited to harsh environment of the scene temperature measurement, such as: environmental control, equipment or process control, temperature measurement Consumer electronic products. Real-life refrigerators, computer chassis, on the use of such economic temperature sensor shows the temperature working environment. Through this dynamic temperature measurement, real-time understanding of a variety of instruments and equipment operating temperature, and the