告诉你如何构建更强劲的应用而不用乏味的手写代码;回答多数开发者甚至不会问的问题;演示如何使用JSF和Tiles自动构建一致的用户界面;提供提示及“如何...”信息,使你很快上手;解释如何集成JSF和数据库,使用目录服务,无线应用以及Web 服务;传授最好的经验和好习惯如使用样式表和消息绑定;覆盖全部JSF标记和如何创建新的标记库,英文,原名称:Core JavaServer Faces-tell you how to build a more robust application instead of the dull handwritten code; Answered most developers do not even ask the question; Demonstrate how to use the JSF and Tiles automatically build a consistent user interface; For the presentation and "How to ..." message and you will soon get started; As explained He JSF and database integration, the use of directory services, wireless applications and Web services; the best teaching experience and good habits such as the use of style sheets and news binding; coverage for all JSF tags and how to create a new library markings, English, the original name : Core JavaServer Faces