这是翻阅《数据结构、算法与应用――C++语言描述》 以及在网上得到的一些资料后写出来的。起因是在项目中要用到一个链表,但我做一个简单的链表在C++中用的时候跟C...
这是翻阅《数据结构、算法与应用――C++语言描述》 以及在网上得到的一些资料后写出来的。起因是在项目中要用到一个链表,但我做一个简单的链表在C++中用的时候跟C差别很多,比如赋值运算(编译器说要做操作符重载,或者考贝构造函数,C++中把结构当成一个类来看了,详见相关介绍的文档或书籍)。后来一想干脆做个template顺便学习一下,一举两得。-read "data structures, algorithms and applications-- Description Language C" on the Internet and get some information after the government. The causes of the projects have to use a linked list, but I do a simple List C when used with the C lot of difference, such as the assignment operator (compilers that do operator overloading, or test Pui Constructors, C as a structural view of the category, as detailed in the documents related presentations or books). Later, one would simply be a template to learn about the way the West.