Logistics Information Network include prospects and the background of two parts,...
物流信息网主要包括前台和后台两部分,前台为会员注册及信息浏览,后台主要是信息管理界面。将系统的原程序拷贝到本地计算机后,去掉文件夹的只读属性,按照《安装配置说明书》内容完成配置后,便可在本地计算机上运行网站了。前台主要包括:会员注册、信息的发布及查看和信息搜索。-Logistics Information Network include prospects and the background of two parts, the prospects for membership registration and information browsing, the background is mainly information management interface. The system will process the original copy to your computer, remove the read-only folder attributes, according to the "installation configuration specification" as complete configuration, will be on the local machine running the site. Prospects include : member registration, information publishing and viewing and information search.