mp3解码程序源代码,对mp3的文件结构有详细的文档说明,带解码类等-This source code is mp3 decoding programme, with specific demonstration documents about mp3 file structure, also with decoding class etc.
WAVE音频编辑,支持、复制/剪切/删除/粘贴操作;支持 SP/SPS/SSP/SPSP 播放模式,可把选定的音频数据独立保存为文件,可快/慢速播放,显示波形,可录音。-WAVE audio editing, support, copy/shear/delete/paste operations; Support SP/SPS/SSP/SPSP player mode can be selected to preserve the audio data for the paper, can be fast/slow playback, display waveforms Recordable.