我们web老师写的一个小程序,转载请著名版权!选择关心的月度日历,点击某个日期,实验室的预定使用情况显示出来 填写日期(格式是:yyyymmdd),开始时间...
我们web老师写的一个小程序,转载请著名版权!选择关心的月度日历,点击某个日期,实验室的预定使用情况显示出来 填写日期(格式是:yyyymmdd),开始时间(格式是:hhmm),终止时间(格式是:hhmm),点击申请,如果数据正确,且实验室使用没有冲突就可以成功申请。 点击详细,显示本人最近申请的记录 使用结束,请点击注销再退出系统。-our web teachers wrote a small program reproduced invited famous copyright! Choose a monthly calendar of concern, click a certain date, laboratory planned use of fill in the date shown (format : YYYYMMDD), the starting time (format : hhmm), the termination time (Georgia Type : hhmm), click on the application, if the data is correct, but the use of laboratory can be no conflict of successful applications. Click on the detail, I have recently shown for the end of the use of the records, click again withdraw from the write-off system.