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mmc driver to use in avr family (body)

于 2022-04-08 发布 文件大小:1.80 kB
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mmc driver to use in avr family (body)



0 个回复

  • Guide to the experiments of uClinux
    uCLinux实验指导书-Guide to the experiments of uClinux
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  • 1621 LCD driver souce code.
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  • article discusses the Linux operating system as a real
    文章讨论了Linux 作为实时应用操作系统的一些不足,从实现机制上分析了产生这些不足的原因。详细阐述了实时操作系统RTLinux 的实现原理,着重介绍了嵌入式RTLinux 系统的开发过程,并给出了该系统实时性能测试的方法和结果-article discusses the Linux operating system as a real-time application of a number of shortcomings, from the mechanism analysis on the causes of these deficiencies. Detailed real-time operating system RTLinux Principle, highlighting the RTLinux embedded system development process, and the system is real-time performance testing methods and results
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  • Good learning materials, basically the design of a number of embedded helpful!
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  • uclinux2.4中自带了sl811的驱动,当用户使用时需对其做一些…
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