首页 » Matlab » 人脸识别---人脸图像预处理工具箱,人脸图像归一化


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工件 (光照归一化技术的鲁棒人脸识别) 工具箱 v 2.0 是 Matlab 函数的集合和脚本旨在帮助研究人员在人脸识别领域工作的。工具箱中制作了作为一种副产品,我的研究工作,是可以免费下载。工件工具箱 v2.0 包括下列光度法归一化技术的实现: 单-规模-retinex 算法,多 scaleretinex 算法,单尺度自商图像、 多尺度自商图像,基于同态滤波归一化技术,一种基于小波变换的归一化技术,一种基于小波去噪的归一化技术,基于各向同性扩散的归一化技术,基于各向异性扩散的归一化技术、 基于非局部手段的归一化技术、 自适应非本地的手段 — — 基于归一化技术、 基于 DCT 的归一化技术,基于方向可调滤波器,归一化技术基于各向异性扩散的归一化技术、 Gradientfaces 方法、 Weberfaces 方法、 多尺度的 Weberfaces 方法、 谭和 Triggs 的归一化技术和大、 小尺度特征的修改版本归一化技术。除了列举的技术也有大量的直方图包括在工具箱中,这可以是有用的任务的光照不变的人脸识别的操作功能。本文档描述工具箱中,从安装到使用基本的知识。读者被指原始的论文在个别技术的基本理论上的详细信息。



0 个回复

  • MIMOSystemblindidentification
    用MATLAB实现MIMO系统盲辨识,包含详细的说明文件和源码,非常经典(Using MATLAB realize blind MIMO system identification, contains a detailed documentation and source code, very classic)
    2020-08-25 18:38:15下载
  • nsa
    Negative Selection Agorithm 1. we have a signal which we ll monitor 2. we produce lymphocytes - length lyphocyte as a signal, we take random numbers 3. NSA... we check that lymphocyte is different from signal, if not we random another 4. now we monitor signal, if any value of signal is the same or nearest to lyphocyte - we have anomaly. (Negative Selection Agorithm 1. we have a signal which we ll monitor 2. we produce lymphocytes- length lyphocyte as a signal, we take random numbers 3. NSA... we check that lymphocyte is different from signal, if not we random another 4. now we monitor signal, if any value of signal is the same or nearest to lyphocyte- we have anomaly. )
    2009-11-10 14:21:08下载
  • matlab
    matlab详细课程资料,有基础准备及入门、符号计算、数值数组及向量化运算、数值计算、数据和函数的可视化、M文件等六大部分。(matlab detailed course information, including basic preparation and entry, symbolic computation, numerical computation array and the quantitative, numerical calculation, data and visual functions, M files, and so six parts.)
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  • savejpeg
    Here s the code! Too many people ask for this Using this code you can save an image item as a jpeg image, specifying the quality of it. Jpeg quality is the same as compression so the lower the quality, the smaller the file size. It s simple to use(Here's the code! Too many people ask for this Using this code you can save an image item as a jpe g image, specifying the quality of it. Jpeg quality is th e same as compression so the lower the quality, the smaller the file size. It's simple to use)
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    lmd matlab代码,此代码对信号处理专业的学生很有用,其他对此领域感兴趣的人也很有用。
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