This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods:
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates
(This little programs compares the stability and the complexity for the computation of the Lagrange interpolation of a given function for the following three methods:
1) Aitken-Neville-scheme
2) Divided differences and Horner-scheme
3) Barycentric coordinates
- 2010-05-03 10:48:26下载
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CSR模型图像复原,近期较为新颖的图像复原方法,效果更好。(The CSR model of image restoration, recently a novel method for image restoration, the better.)
- 2012-05-19 15:26:11下载
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matlab练习程序(寻找凸包,Graham扫描法) 我不太清楚这个凸包在图像处理中到底会怎样的运用,因为这个好像更多的是计算几何或是图形学里面的东西。不过作为一个算法,我感觉还是有必要研究一下的。我主要的参考资料是《算法导论》的33.3和这个博客。 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
- 2023-07-09 07:25:02下载
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runge kutta order 12
- 2009-09-20 20:05:07下载
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用matlab进行直序扩频通信系统误码率的仿真分析PN码同步方法的比较与仿真(Using matlab for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication System Simulation and Analysis of bit error rate PN code synchronization methods and simulation)
- 2008-04-14 10:32:05下载
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说明: DBSCAN算法,利用数据集中密度差异来区分不同聚类。(DBSCAN algorithm, the density difference between the use of data sets to distinguish between different cluster.)
- 2010-03-25 14:34:56下载
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(1) 步长因子的变化对算法收敛的影响;
(2) 权初值的设置对算法收敛的影响
(Examine the convergence of the LMS algorithm: (1) changes in the step factor on the convergence of the algorithm (2) The right of the initial value set on the convergence of the algorithm)
- 2012-09-10 11:28:13下载
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应用LMS算法去除噪声,纯净信号为各种数字调制信号,本程序中选的是数字调幅信号8ASK,噪声是高斯白噪声,信噪比可以任意指定。(Application of LMS algorithm to remove noise, clean signal for a variety of digital modulation signal, this procedure is successful digital AM signal 8ASK, noise is white Gaussian noise, signal to noise ratio can be specified.)
- 2008-06-04 16:28:43下载
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目标作蛇形机动matlab仿真,包括卡尔曼和最小二乘滤波,可出x,y方向误差,(Matlab simulation target for maneuver, including the Kalman and least square filtering, the x, y direction of error,)
- 2020-12-11 21:29:17下载
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说明: 主要用于基于TDOA测距定位的卡尔曼滤波,(TDOA ranging mainly used for location-based Kalman filter,)
- 2021-04-02 01:29:08下载
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