this is my bedroom with Qualcomm graduate students to do design issues, the main...
这是本人跟通寝室同学做的毕业设计课题,该课题主要任务是在分析Linux内核的基础上,熟悉和掌握Linux流量控制的机理。并进一步实现可针对IP地址进行流量控制的应用软件。该软件采用C/S结构。客户端负责用户管理,流量控制策略管理和人机交互部分。服务器端负责带宽分配,流量控制的具体实现。在课题的具体分工上,本子课题负责客户端的实现。-this is my bedroom with Qualcomm graduate students to do design issues, the main topic was the analysis of the Linux kernel, on the basis of familiar and master Linux flow control mechanism. And further to target IP address flow control applications. The software using C/S structure. The client is responsible for user management, traffic management and control strategy HCI part. Server for bandwidth allocation and flow control of the specific realization. Specific topics in the division, the book topics for the client to achieve.