首页 » SCM » cp210x非标波特率设置工具 CP210x Baud Rate Configuration Utility v1.0 Release Notes Copyri...

cp210x非标波特率设置工具 CP210x Baud Rate Configuration Utility v1.0 Release Notes Copyri...

于 2022-04-02 发布 文件大小:92.75 kB
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cp210x非标波特率设置工具 CP210x Baud Rate Configuration Utility v1.0 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * CP210xBaudRateAliasConfig.exe * CP210xManufacturing.DLL * CP210xBaudRateAliasConfig VC++ project * REL_NOTES.TXT (this file) -cp210x non-standard baud rate configuration tool CP210x Baud Rate Configuration Utility v1.0 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.. This release contains the following components :* CP210xBaudRateAliasConfig.exe CP210xManufacturing.DLL*** CP210xBaudRateAliasConfig REL_NOTES VC project. TXT (this file)



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